31 Days of Fundraising to Go.

Tell roommate you are moving to Cambodia.  Check.

Tell boss you are moving to Cambodia. Check.

Those two things have been in my prayers and on my anxious mind for about a month now.  After two beautiful conversations with those respective people, I’m ready to “social media” announce I’m moving to Cambodia for (at least) a year to work with Daughters of Cambodia.  I’ll be putting my marketing degree and nine years of professional experience to work in supporting the rescue young children who are involved in the sex trafficking industry.

During that my time in Cambodia, I’ll also be Oaks Parish‘s (my home church) first missionary – a title I feel incredibly unworthy of – yet excited for.  Both in terms of support, love, prayer, and accountability, but also in terms of a strong connection to Portland.  As one of the ladies pointed out on a recent church camping trip, “My baby won’t be a baby next time you see him.”  I’m excited to watch the church (and its babies) grow, via email updates, photos, and impact (in Portland and in Cambodia).

That all being said, this position isn’t paid.

I need to raise support to cover my living expenses during my first year in Cambodia.  That amount is an even $12,300.  This covers airfare, housing, food, language classes, etc.  (Almost makes you wonder why every one moves to Portland!)  I’ve already started “covertly” fundraising – emailing family and friends, telling them what I’ll be doing and asking for their support.  I’ve already raised $6,140.

This means I’ve got $6,160 to raise in 31 days.

Will you help me?  Well, not really me…

Will you help me, help over 100 boys and girls, walk free from slavery?

You can do that that in the following three ways:

  1. Directly through PAOC. (Canadian Ministry helping me with financial tracking).
  2. Via RPEC.  By donating through RPEC my American donors will be able to get a tax receipt.  Just make sure you select “Jenna Forstrom” from the dropdown menu.
  3. Via Oaks Parish.  Do you go to my local church in Portland, Oregon?  Add a comment in the memo line and they will let me know.

Got questions?  Comments?  Know people I should talk to?  Want to come visit me?  Feel free to call, email, Tweet, Facebook chat, comment me!

My new home town – Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Tell the world on social media you are moving to Cambodia.  Happening right now.


God bless,


2 Replies to “31 Days of Fundraising to Go.”

  1. You go, girl. You rock. You don’t need a cape or a tiara to save the world, you got God. Love you..

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