Did you know in rural Cambodia, most children don’t have access to quality education? Cows for the Kingdom is trying to change that!
I just wanted to send a little update on a side project I have been working on with some friends here in Cambodia. My boss, Martin, at Daughters has a huge passion for a lot of different things, one of them is helping more children in Cambodia go to school. I have been working with him to build a website for his passion project, Cows for the Kingdom.
To have a qualified teacher come to your village (or “phoumi” in Khmer – Cambodian national language) and teach your children – especially in English language – villagers need to raise minimum $100 per month.
Education is essential to the thriving and success of children all over Cambodia. Those without a 9th grade certificate, can hardly even access factory jobs. Leaving them with little options.
Most of them come to Phnom Penh, looking for jobs and find themselves in a large city, with no money, no family, and no where to live. A lot end up in sex work, either willingly or unwillingly, and have to be rescued by e.g. Daughters of Cambodia.
It is always exciting what God can do with spontaneous ideas.
God opens doors … to solve the problem, before it becomes a problem. By enabling local villagers to come up with the means to hire a teacher.
The Solution:
An international gathering, along with a few of their friends, both Khmer and foreign nationals, invested in a few cows. Over the course of several months, these farmers learned animal husbandry skills and were able to sell their cows for a profit.
Through mentoring and financial coaches, the farmers will be able to invest their profits into hiring a teacher for the first time in their village. There are now children going to English classes, right in their own town.
We are praying to replicate this small success story all over Cambodia.
Need more convincing? Check out our “Goals” page.
Interested in helping send more Khmer children to school? Email me or leave a comment below and I’ll follow up with you directly.