Season of weeping and walking (Feb. 2020 Update)

On Ash Wednesday, some girlfriends and I attended a local English church service.  Part of the service included reading Psalm 51.  I found myself underlining this verse:

“Make me hear of joy and gladness, that the body you have broken may rejoice.” – Psalm 51:9

(Resting with my new physio tape that was keeping my kneecap in the right location.)

If I’m honest, February has been one of the toughest months I’ve had in a very long time.  I think the joy, thankfulness, loving compassion carried me through January and the reality of my situation trapped me in a thick mud of depression for most of February.  I was both physically and mentally exhausted.  Stuck in a broken body, in a country not set up for disabled people.  Overwhelmed by the burden Bullet and I was placing on my friends (who constantly reminded me they were happy to come over with food and to let Bullet out).  I found myself torn between being completely rational in my thoughts, “Obviously, this is going to suck, you have a broken leg.  Give yourself a break.”  And finding myself weeping from pure exhaustion, which of course turned to angry tears once I couldn’t get them to stop when a loving friend popped over to take Bullet for a walk.  Followed immediately by another wave of tears from the embarrassment of being caught in a moment of weakness.

(MRO’s Staff Celebration of our Executive Director.)

Regardless of a rough month, in the spirit of Psalm 51, I want to share some moments where my broken body rejoiced:

  • Physical Therapy – I took my first steps without crutches in February!  I also had my three-month post-operation check-up and while my fibula is still broken, everything is looking good.
  • Iroha – Two girlfriends kidnapped me for a weekend at a local hotel for a staycation.  Sunlight, walking in a pool, and some greenery did my soul so much good.  Even Bullet got to have a sleepover with my pastor.
  • MRO – I started going back into the office.  To help with interviewing new staff, honoring our founding Executive Director and working on some much-needed updates to donor reporting in 2020.
  • Le Serey – Two friends have been coming over on Tuesday / Thursday afternoons to work remotely from my house to keep my company.  One of them is launching an ethical business working with women and freedom opportunities.  We are just gearing up to launch, so if you are interested in learning more.  Sign up here.  Serey / សេរី / Freedom.
  • Motorcycles – I was able to serve at the Social Media person for the latest Prayer Ride.  Attend the post-ride debrief, and attend the 2019 Cambodia Enduro Championship Party.
  • Strove Tuesday – Bullet and I were invited to our first Strove Tuesday (Fat Tuesday, but with pancakes).  We had a blast learning about a new faith practice and even Bullet got his own pancake.
  • G2K Dedication – My language school has moved to a new building.  Attending the dedication ceremony, where worship and calls of education and transformation were made in both Khmer and English was an extremely powerful day.
(Prayer Circle Post-Ride Meeting.)

Just a note about the Corona Virus.  While it is just coming to the United States, Cambodia has been dealing with the fear of an outbreak since January. I’m prepared for the possibility of being quarantined in my apartment.  My friends who live in the same complex as me have offered to run the stairs with Bullet so he can get exercise if dog walks are no longer an option.  (I’ve been joking that a quarantine would feel like a Portland snow day.  Only it’s always over 90 degrees here so I don’t need a firepit.)

(Girl Gang at the Enduro Championship Party.)

Enough about me, how have you been doing?  Giving anything up for Lent?  Got any plans for Easter?  Anxious about Corona?  Let me know!  You can send me an email and share what is happening in your life and how I can be praying for you. I look forward to hearing from you!  As always prayer requests are below.

(Bullet in his new bowtie ready for Strove Tuesday.)

Hugs from Cambo,
ជេនណា / Jenna (and Bullet)

I downloaded Oz: The Complete Collection this month and am slowly making my way through the series.  I had no idea there were more stories about Oz other than “The Wizard of Oz” but there are actually 14 books!  As an added bonus, it was only one Audible credit for the entire collection.  Are you reading a good series at the moment?

Interested in financially supporting me?  Just click the button below and make sure you include my full name where it says “Person or Project Name.”  Thanks!  (I’m still waiting for my medical claims to be processed, but if breaking my leg has taught me anything, it’s that I could use more opportunities to practice patience and trust.)

Financially Support Jenna Forstrom

I would really appreciate you joining me in prayer in the following ways:

1.  Continue to pray for my energy levels and my leg to continue to heal.
2.  Please keep MRO in your prayers, our new leadership is doing a great job with the transition, but I’d love to start seeming some systemic changes be implemented for the future growth of the organization.
3.  Cambodia has been dealing with the health and economic drama of Corona for months now.  Continue to pray for protection for Cambodia in the midst of this epidemic and for peace for those living on the financial edges of society.

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