
Hello, World! I’m Jenna – and the cute furry guy next to me is Bullet (or “Boy” in Khmer)!

I’m originally from the East Coast of the United States, but was raised on the West Coast. So my sports affiliations lie with the greatest city – Boston – but my passion for the outdoors and where I feel most connected to the Holy Spirit is while serving the homeless population in my second home – Portland, Oregon.

Bullet and I live in Phnom Penh, Cambodia working with those whose lives are impacted by human trafficking. I primarily work with orphans and vulnerable children by providing marketing, grant writing and other office support.

I’ve had a lifelong dream of traveling to Cambodia, I think it’s because I read in a Zoobook that they have fresh water dolphins and that was enough to sell me on this magical country. In 2014, my parents and I made this dream a reality and spent two weeks traveling around Cambodia. Ever since then, God has been calling me back.

I love learning how to authentically and respectfully engage with people on various views on faith, Christ’s love and learning from other expats in the field. I’m also all about eating ALL the food for breakfast, lunch and dinner and having my curly hair back with the humidity.

I’ve been reflecting on Psalm 139 and have really enjoyed mediating on “if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me.” I’ve always been interest in doing justice work. I love how my foundational knowledge of homelessness and women in the United States transfers to the Cambodia culture. I’m looking to seeing where God puts me to work in Cambodia and learning how to navigate life, ministry and being a vessel of blessings.

My seven-year old pitbull mix, Bullet (Boy) is here with me.  He’s been faithfully serving the homeless for five years with me and I can’t image having anyone else by my side for this adventure.

Interested in joining me on this adventure?  Please consider financially supporting me.

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